Monday, May 3, 2010

The Next Chapter.

Well, I guess it's about time I fill you all in on our news. We are having another baby!! I am almost 10 weeks now and for the most part am feeling great. I am extremely tired and can't stay up late to watch our usual TV shows, so my poor husband is very behind. He's so sweet to wait for me to watch them though.
We are super excited, scared and nervous all at the same time. I feel like I'm just getting the hang of 1 kid and now that he is getting older and more independent, he's been quite a piece of work some days. I hope he grows out of that phase and I'm hoping that once he learns to speak and communicate he will not be as frustrated. Thinking of having 2 kids right now sort of freaks me out, but I know if 7 more months, it will be just the perfect timing. I'm secretly hoping it will be another boy, but I know these things never work out the way you want or desire, so I'm trusting the Lord because I know that He has worked out everything in His perfect plan.


KD said...

:) YAY! Glad that it's public knowledge now! Love you and praying for Leuenberger #2!

P.S. now you have to change your "about me" side bar ;)

keely said...

Congratulations!! You are braver than me, for sure!

That's so God said...

We are sooooo excited for you guys!!! Congrats to you both. Looking forward to seeing you next week at the "big family wedding event".

Love you all,
Scott and Deb

Lauren said...

Yipppee! :)

Renee Westcott said...

What an adventure this will be! Congrats!!!

Catherine said...

Yay!!!!! This is so stinking exciting!!! Congratulations!!